While the rise of rideshare companies does seem too good to be true, it also comes with its own set of shortcomings. Although these companies are excellent examples of Nepali entrepreneurships adapting to technological advancements and trends, they raise a multitude of questions in regards to legal and ethical issues.
Posts published in “FEATURES”
By Rujen Maharjan
The precautions to reduce pollution or the traffic load other than planting trees and waste management can be taken in various levels. As cars and other old vehicles are the ones emitting harmful chemicals and smoke, trolley buses are one of the best option to control both the pollution and traffic load. Increase in the number of cycles also can reduce air pollution. But the condition of the roads, the dust and the smoke only discourages the bicycle riders.
By Aishwarya Baidar, Apekshya Basnet and Barsha Baral
Street dogs are found mainly at the places where they have chances of getting food. For the dogs in Kathmandu, this food comes in the form of unmanaged garbage dumps. Stopping the practice of dumping garbage on the streets is the first step that needs to be taken to check the street dog menace.
By Sandesh Chauhan
The value of PM 2.5 in the Kathmandu Valley changes according to season. The value peaks during summer when bricking - the industrial mass production of bricks - begins around the valley...